Mataun’ dunia: Transformers Action Figure Movie 2: Revenge of the Fallen.

 only watch above video if you want to. :P



Maybe for certain peoples hobby is just wasteful of time and money, but hey! in Quran we called it mataun dunia ( things that human really attached to).

Women is well known to be one of mataun dunia, and the best is the one who obey  with understanding and clear mind, dedicate herself to the meaning of syahadah.

Peoples get really attached to car, house,football, anime, gaming, dolls, women, men, shopping outlet, playing cards, chatting, etc, whatever you named it, you are right ( any hobby).

Sometimes, when one person get attract to one mataun dunia, they get bias in judging other interest. It happen because of superego (different knowledge & experiences; term in sociology)



One  companion (Sahabah) of Prophet Muhammad pbuh who loves horses very much raise a question,


Ya Rasullullah, Is there any Horses in heaven?


After a brief answer about horses in heaven, Prophet Muhammad pbuh  said,

“Whatever is desirable by human heart is available in Heaven regardless whatever it is”


plus the BONUS is, it will be “Super duper” FAR more superior that can’t be imagine by human mind and thought.

So, optimus prime is also available in Heaven? Frankly speaking, IF someone enter, he/ she can wish for anything!




Having any hobby or interest is normal. Nothing wrong with it. Anything BUT please bear not to forget the obligation and responsible as human, and whichever religion we embraced.

Don’t get too obsess with hobbies. Hobby is not our life, it just a piece where our childish mind needed to entertain.

A place to rest from stressful and demanding life. A PAUSE button before pursuing to next tasked.



It has been narrated, one respectable hukama (scholar; great people) seen playing with one group of children, and adults who saw it asked the scholar a question after he done playing


Syeikh, why did you play like a child with small children, don’t you afraid what will peoples say about you, your integrity as scholar?”


The syeikh smiles and then give his answer;

“Brothers, Human’s potential is like string of a bow, sometimes its needed to be loosen for a while, so the tense can be severe preserve, maintained and can be used longer/ intensively”


For those who loves kids and play with them, keep it up!

Is it true if someone acting like a child, he actually showed a hidden side of  men? Men are childish sometimes. Believe it or not. 


Hahaha. Maybe tru, maybe not.


Oh, I havent tell anything about gundam, transformers in details yet, anyway, as long we wisely able to keep the priority among the priorities accordingly, we will be alright.

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-just arranging my thought-

ps: please correct me if i’m WRONG! Appreciate it in advance~


Yla rahYla said…
wow...fantastic...i reckon dat...its worth!!!:P
pali said…

since I was small, I loves mecha more than anything. I used to went to library during break, sometimes to check a chinese catalog with gundam model in it.

Anyway, it not necessary to buy the toys that I want, & I started collecting them when I working few years.

Not die hard fan though. Its just for fun. Playing with Kids are more fun!
fahima_azira said…
playing with kids?? hahaha..najah n iman sure are misssing u rite now..
pali said…
@ fahima,

cinta fitrah aku ke tu sis? Ya, memang rindu pun kat mereka, la ni dah besar dan petah bercakap. DUa2 sebaya, cuma beza bulan je.

tak sabar2 nak balik kg. :)
fahima_azira said…
ye la bro..ada najah n iman yg lain ke?:p..bukan ahli fitrah?

sabar2kan diri sebelum boleh blk kg k..
sabar2..insyaallah ganjarannya besra nanti buat org2 yg bersabar..
pali said…
@ fahima,

yap sis. doa2kan aja. :)
Maryam said…
pali, not die hard fan? is it true? ;)

so ini salah satu hobi kamu ya bapak?

hobi tak semestinya membazirkan waktu dan duit jika ada manfaatnya tidak ada salahnya
pali said…
@ maryam;

hobi itu sentiasa berubah2. mataun dunia yang terbaik itulah yang aku idamkan kini. keh3.

zaman gundam dan transformers sudah berakhir, mungkin ada sisa2nya tapi tak sekuat dulu.

aku ngan suhaimi memang minat benda ni. Pengerat ukhwah kami. :P
muzem said…
pali said…
@ muzem

bermain2 "meeting di lab tanah jam 9pm" itu leeeeebih COOOOL~!


ps: bleh buat game mafia based on that? amacam? :P
Wah..minat sama gundam ka..sini ale manyak wooo..tapi gua tak minat la pulak, kalau mau boleh tlg pos satu ke dua?? ada sorg junior saya dr singapore gila dgn gundam ni..mcm nak pengsan tgk sini banyak gundam2, dan murah2 pulak di 2nd store with good quality. Kat sana ade jual ke?
pali said…
@ amy sensei,

em3. minat gitu je la. kekadang minat tgk anime dia ja. la ni dah jarang dah. keh3.

gundam kat sini takde plak nampak kedainya, tapi kalau nak beli online tu ada.

hantar 2 bijik ke saya bleh? hadiah sebelum sensei balik mesia?keh3
pali said…
Harap entry ini tidak membawa maksud



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