Issue on Malaysia fatwa againts yoga.

Hi  my friend here asked about Malaysia fatwa on yoga, and somehow feel nonsense act have been taken by Malaysian government. After reading this post, I then do understand why he respond like that. We need to realize, sometime international media do report things far beyond it accuracy, and always jump to different perspectives. Here is the link to BBC news where he get  link from.

Unfortunate for those who cannot read Malay language, because all the discussion and explaination cames from local newspaper and blog. I wonder why it is not a favor for those who seeking materials before gazette. However , here is the link (for those who can read Malay language):

I also translated the article above for English reader.

Long story short, you can practise yoga as an exercise, but not systematically until nirvana. Gosh, I wonder what are other things that international miss report about us. *Sigh.

“National Fatwa Council today ban Muslims practice yoga systematically, which involves physical elements and spiritual because it contrary to Islamic law.

The chief, Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin however said, physical practice namely exercise in yoga, without incantation and worship elements superficially does not become offense.

However, according Bernama report, he said, it is not encourage because worried would erode Islamic’s someone’s faith as it is one from total component the banned practice.

“Yoga practice which originated from Hindu community has three level, first stage is physical namely exercise, second-stage is incantation and worship to get peace and third stage is self unification with God.

As such agreeable discussion member decided that any kind or practice form which contains that elements is prohibited and contrary to Islamic teachings,” he said to reporters in Putrajaya today.

Abdul Shukor says the matter is held in 83rd “Anggota Majlis Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan”’s conference which convened last 22-24 October in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, and will be extended to state religious councils to be gazetted.

Besides Malaysia, yoga practice have banned in Singapore and Egypt, he said. Abdul Shukor says, in this level, awareness programme on the practice will extend to all country through Department Of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim).

He also advised Islamic so that careful society and alert with things that can deviate faith, and should study profoundly about something previous practice to do its. He said have been lots different customs in Islam that can done to safeguard health and get peace including practicing prayer and chant.

Yoga was one exercise package has been practiced since 3,000 previous-year Masihi and is said can be delaying ageing, reduce risk of diabetes, asthma and heart disease.”


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