You know what..


Let me share with you guys a short advise,

never give suggestions when not asked, and try to critique without knowing what, why based on your personal experience and not thinking about the consequences only return the pain back to your lower back.

Moreover, don’t try to argue / force someone to accept your opinions alone without strong arguement/ personal experiences. Different peoples know their own field very well more than we do.

Here are few minor examples that I wanna share.



Guy A: Do you have to go to lab everyday? curiously asked.

Me: Yea. I have to, there are a lot of works to do.

Guy A: Why? Its weekend, you should have a break and take rest at home. Are your advisor demand for this?

Me: No, I’m doing tissue culture research (bla3), so then it consume times, its better to start early.

Guy A then silence ( but he keep asking me the same question (Are u going to lab?) everytime he see me with my bag). No offence, but let see the consequences

Other day, I decided to stay at home during weekend.

Guy A: Are u going to lab today?

Me: No, its weekend, I want to have rest at home.

Guy A: How far is your lab? Do you have key for the main gate? Do you have printer in your lab?

Me: 15 minutes by bicycles. Yes for both questions. Buy HEY, today is Sunday, I don;t feel like going to lab (smile). I should have a break and take rest at home.

Guy A: O, okay.. ( silence)

See? Better to stay wise before say anything, I’m not committing a sin or whatever, Chill out if I want to work.

Let see other examples

GMO (Gilo Mu Oii~)

Guy B: What are you working with fadhli?

Me: Plant tissue culture, investigating gene for diploid strawberry.

Guy B: why diploid?

after brief explanation on my project he suddenly said,

Guy B: You see, why we human should interfered with gene etc. The best flavor is create by Allah, why do this GMO? (Genetic modified organism)!

I experienced the same issued with Guy C.

Guy C: GMO is bad. We don’t feel like paying for REAL food/ vegetables with our money. I doubt they are not as healthy as same as organic food!


For Guy B and C, I gave them pretty similar answers.

Me: About GMO, we are in the same pages. but the research that I conduct were not for marketing or for consumers. It like Arabidopsis thaliana research. I just want to investigate the functions of certain gene, and after I’m done, we gonna destroy the plant.

Guy B/ C: know, there are an arguement.. (before he finish I suddenly say)

Me: Anyway, someone have to THINK about food/ vegetables/ fruit production right?

Guy B/C: err.. yea, yea, i not trying to argue about (bla3).

Everywhere, peoples are just the same. Many can critique and complained but less can contribute. Talk much. Piraaahhhhh~~!!!


See, don’t shoot random bullets to other peoples , especially when we are not a player in that particular field.

This apply to every field & life. If you have a suggestions, keep it as suggestion, or keep it in yourself, if it can tarnish other mind, and stop judging other works by not knowing/ emotionally talk.

That’s all, long story short, there are also a hadith based on this situations,

Remember when prophet Muhammad pbuh saw few people inbreed dates plant in Medina, and he told them not to do so?

Next year, the productions and quality of dates decreased, and then he said,

“All of you know better than me in your respective field”.

Tru. In holy Quran also said that

“And We sent not before you (O Muhammad pbuh) any but men, whom We sent revelation, (to preach and invite mankind to believe in the Oneness of Allah). So ask of those who know the Scripture/ knowledge, if you know not.” Al Nahl; 43


In year 2006, Botox where forbidden for Malaysian’s Muslim. There issue not only focus on Muslim scholar and cleric, but also involve researchers and scientist with paperwork to discuss with, whether its okay or not to do so.

As a Malaysian myself, I am really sad when international media does not fully report news especially fatwa (opinions of scholar) without consideration of arguement and look behind the scenes, like fatwa on yoga recently.

Always jump to short conclusion about “closed- minded” of Malaysian authorities based on their own view. Well, if that the case, please dont be mad if people around the world assume Western countries especially USA as the real terrorist? Whatever we (USA) say is right, nothing is right as long we say it. Huh?

ps: I read Russia claims the Swine Flu is a biological weapons made in USA, by Jews?? They claim they have evident on this? Well, need more time to dig on this issue, till next time.


“anak murid tumpang belajar”


pali said…
dah gi dah. :)
pali said…
thanks. :) bisnes ye? marketing ye? mantap. :D

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