Google reader punya susu, Bloglist dapat nama..


I have learn a few things today. It all started when I noticed my blog link at one of my friend's bloglist have not been updated although I have published several new posts. What actually happen?  

First, as we all know, the bloglist is empower by Google Reader. Anything that have been published by bloger will be updated via feed within Google Reader.

The problem rises when post that have published deleted.

I'm not really sure how long Google Reader takes to synchronize within the actual post and feed that created on Google Reader at bloglist. The prices that need to pay is broken link occur when someone click on link that the post actually have been deleted before. I called it "ghost link". So by defination, it will connect you to error status as broken link usually give.

That's all so far. Have anyone experience the same? Un-updated post link on bloglist?

p/s: One other factor most probably i love to play with HTML code. Probably I change something important without noticed. Fortunately, I save the HTML code somewhere safe. Hehe.


Anonymous said…
this is one good reason why we should using google reader... i mean, may be any kind of rss reader...
because once writer delete the unwanted post/wrongly post/or anything that suddenly the writer dont want people to read bout it post, we can still read it.. hahaha ~
Anonymous said…
hurm.. cm biasa ok je blog nih.. knp pic tepi2 tuh ko kaburkan ? akU koMen je... :-P, weh coding yg tuh aku x tau lah..
pali said…
@bikers, untuk keselesaan pembaca sebenarnya. background sepatutnya kurang menonjol dari post dan content. Alasan lain? Dah bagitau hang kan? Hehehe.

@Mahadi, yes it okay now. Thanks bro.

@ All readers,
I'm not sure how to solve this problem professionally.

1. I have try to create a new blog, then rename that blog to this blog link, then change back this blog to its original link.=not working

2. I post a new post then published it. Probably this is the most neat way. But still you have to wait for some time.

They way that I do, I have save some file containing HTML code for my blog, and then paste it on "edit HTML" at the same menu for "Pick new template". Then published my post once more.

At the end, I don;t want to speculate further. Try to do it. Perhaps if someone know how to overcome this problem in proper way, can explain much better.

-anak murid tumpang belajar-

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