Allah MaDe Me Funny ?!


This landmark concert film follows three acclaimed comedians on stage and off as they lift the veil to reveal the humorous truth of what it's really like to be Muslim in America. Mo Amer, Azhar Usman, and Preacher Moss poke fun at themselves, their communities, government, human nature and the tricky predicament of living in post-9/11 America. Featuring music of rising indie scene artists, Allah Made Me Funny: Live in Concert is rollicking good fun and gives people of all cultural backgrounds an opportunity to laugh hard, drop their guard and open their minds.

Running Time: 83 minutes

Tonight, I have a chance to watch this movie, for FREE. Its has been organized by IOC (Islam on Campus). Have you guys watch it?


Anonymous said…
kat sana IOC ni persatuan ke? bagus juga ada persatuan di sana :)
pali said…
yap2. persatuan untuk pelajar muslim di UF.

pasal video tu, boleh juga tengok kat youtube. search saja nama tajuk movie tu.
Anonymous said…
bro, aku dah tgok video dia kat utube... best gak lar.. layan jek hehe well, nnt kalu de kat Florida ko jgn tak g lak hehe sure lg gamat kan... i think this is the good way to explain to the non muslim (not moooselem ok hehe) about what the Islam really is...
pali said…
masa ku post entry ini aku ada kat Rion Ballroom, 10 minit sebelum tayangan filem ni. hehe.
Anonymous said…
o boleh tgk kat youtube yer...pali, kopiah senget tu jiran nya za dan hafiz ka? haha
pali said…
yang saya tau depa ni ada kat bandar yang sama. pasal jiran tu tak pasti plak. hehe. maryam ni adakah mengenali diri ini sebelum ini? Kita kenal kenal-mengenalkah? Saja nak tau kot2 senior ka, junior ka, satu batch ka. :D
Anonymous said…
oh senior grad 06... kenal melalui pmi muka lah familiar, tak berapa kenal sangat tapi kita sudah berkawan melaui facebook... what a small world haha
pali said…
oo satu batch agaknya. saya pun grad tahun 2006 (ogos). pastu keje 2 tahun sblm blaja balik. Apapun terima kasih atas perkongsian!
Anonymous said…
o kalau grad ogos 06 memang satu batch lah... maybe dulu sebelum masuk usm belajar kat matrix kan sebab muda setahun... k pali all d best

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