Sunday at Tampa -->


GO~ GO 1

Last Sunday, we, 7 brothers from Gainesville attended a workshop at Tampa by Dr Ali Shehata. The workshop is entitled “The Purification of the Soul”. It was a 5 hours lecture with a short break every one hour.

GEDC0062one person is missing because he took the pic. We are the earliest brothers arrived and unfortunately all of us kind of reserved to ask help from sister. :)) 

The topics cover in his lecture are

Part 1; Who am I?, We are here to learn so as to act!, The importance of purification.

Part 2; Tazkiyyah, Examples of Humility in worship, signs of the healthy and diseased heart.

Part 3; * signs of diseased heart, A Billion rewards in second, what is arrogance

Part 4; Arrogance, a paradox, our deeds is acceptable, a story, who is the worst than Iblis and Pharaoh, Do you wish Allah forgive you, How did it come to this

Part 5; Treating the diseases that affected sincerity, attaining sincerity, tawbah, sign of weak and deficient repentance, signs of accepted repentance, Ridaa- to be content with Allah, why do bad things happen to good people, misconceptions regarding Ridaa.

Feel free to download the recording and distributed to others. Normally people pay hundreds for this class, and the workshop is only a spice of AlMagrib foundation is. They also organize two weeks course of ‘The Fiqh of Salah (Solah)”.

Nor the lecture or the place content me most, but the interaction between the speaker and the participants are really amaze me. Questions were asked by brothers and sister like astray bullets (by the way, the sister outnumbers the brother; well, it happen everywhere). 5 hours lecture seems ended really fast, and most of us still hunger more!

This workshop began at 10 am and ended at ~5pm. Oh, there are not many pictures during the event because of the sister numbers. Anywhere we focus our lenses, there always be sister. So, as ‘the purificantion of soul’ as the workshop it is, we decided to keep the pictures for the next hang out.

GO~ GO 2

After that, we went to Clearwater beach. Luckily, the condition turned out better than we were expected. Even though the beach was preoccupied by peoples, but most of them came in family; 40-ish couples, with their primary school age children.

GEDC0080  A futsal match between  Hadi, me, Rafe, Aslam, Hassan, and Jaffer were just amazing. Taoofek just lay down nearby while reading books (yes, he is the 4.0 student!). It is true that our skill is not at the top, but it is enough to make people stop and watch. At the second time of the match, 2 young teenagers joined the games and make it more interesting.

One hour have passed, nice smooth breeze and lovely sound of waves make the beach very scenic during the sunset. Jaffer and me ran to the sea with his floating board? (not surfboard). It was a new experience for me. GEDC0081Floating board is really fun! We were just like a child playing with the waves for almost one hour.The time is approximately around 9pm, and we had dinner by ordered some nice Indian food (kabab, biryani etc) from Sabri / Kabab House restaurant, and have our dinner after Jama Takhir at the same place for the workshop before.

I’m not sure what happen along the way ‘cause I was sleeping at the back seat. Anyway brothers; Hassan, Hadi, Rafe, Taoofek, Jaffer and Aslam, this hanging out is really a precious moment to remember as the best hang out ever !  jazakkallhukhair31145_1384232958218_1003826508_31134290_7013044_nGEDC0072

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