Spring is coming; petani tidak menangis lagi..
Winter is almost at the end. Gainesville becoming much greener and warmer lately. There is no snow here to begin with, but the winter temperatures are among the coldest in 10 years. Other places? Morocco has snowing and becoming flooded (say Suhaizi Nebraska). In Melbourne, say Abdul Jabbar, the temperatures goes up to 80 F! (Highest in the history).
Sky is much clearer now..
Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Attitude?
"We know seasons changing are contributed by longitude and latitude. Assuming we are at same altitude; neglect able.
So then, seasons changing are directly correlated with clothes (attitude).
Resulting of Spring (low), summer (low) Fall (medium) Winter ( high) in which, low; less clothes, medium; half cloth, and high; full body cover! (solehah gitu)"
No pain, no gain
Only those who experiences the COLDNESS and dullness can appreciate the color of spring. It’s fair enough for temperate region, kan?
Back home in Malaysia it is "summer" all year ( dry and wet season), but here, summer and spring somehow force people to understand the importance to survive, manage, planning, and thinking seriously almost about everything (bab duit je la kebanyakannya), including their fundamental resources. No pain no gain.
Return to lab cycles~
Indeed, we are 'farmers' of our own 'field'? We are growers of trees in heaven! Have we remember a hadith said when you tasbih, tahmid & takbir;
We all are farmers in respective field. Working to harvest major crops at land of eternity.
All living formed follow the law of nature (SUNNATULLAH) including us. We all are just like BUDS. A bud will not break without sufficient chilling. How can bud break?
After chilling out! Chill out!
Finally, growers/ Farmer- cry no more. (petani tidak menangis lagi)
trackback: Ice tree: sesejuk salju
Bas nice ke? Balik klate cuti2 ni?
(gurau2 je). Thanks sarah. Good luck with your final semester!
kamu mmg creative...
yla sgt suka tgk gal pakai mantel...mafle...n boot...masa musim sejuk...nampak sgt sopan tapi cool...wink-wink...
P.S. nak strawberi!!!!!
mereka kat sini kuat keje. Pihak univrsiti pun srius. Yelah, kat sini bila2 masa je kakitangan univ bleh kena buang kalau performance menurun ( tambah2 kalau tak dapat title prof).
kebanyakan jawatan akademik disini ( especially agriculture; yang aku tahu) di create oleh growers association, dan mereka yang dilantik memang dekat dengan growers..
p/s: Malaysia ada strawberi di cameron highland. Sila2. :D
Ampun tuanku. Patik menjunjung duli. Doa2kan patik tuanku, agar patik tidak sembah derhaka kelak. :P
p/s: fungus punya hal, summer ni sakit skit la. :)
tak ada nampak pula perlawanan jalanan (street fighter) kat sini. Polis 24-7 ronda. tak tau la kot ada kat club2 di downtown (pura-pura tak faham).haha.
tak dan aih nak main games ke apa. hahaha. tak sure depa ada main ke tak kat sini
hm, bole la. excited sangat pun tak jugak.. nak balik...
ps: hanya jauhari mengenal encik manikam manokaran (sebab depa penah main sama2 masa kecil). :D
ada idea menarik. masa hantar hang balik g'ville nanti kita gi ladang dia petik+makan+bawak balik nak? hang google mana ada tpt camtu.
dah keluar. boleh cari kat google. Nanti saya gi ty org kat sini. Depa lagi tau.
Uih, sakan naa.. :D
Alahai pepatah~